Flexible stone as a foundation finish

Flexible stone for foundation decoration. The unique finish material allows to create an aesthetic appearance of the external part of the building by making it look more impressive and natural. Compared with natural stone, flexible stone has a less expensive price; operational characteristics are not worse, too.

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Order placing is possible by phone +371 2800 2273 or using contact form on Contacts page


*photo is presented for informational purposes only


Some advantages of the given material:

  • Low weight, easy mounting and no need in any special maintenance.
  • Possibility to decorate inside and outside corners without breaking up integrity of the material.
  • Eco-friendliness, waterproofness, mold growth resistance.
  • Attractive look, which stays the same for many years.

Why is it reasonable to place an order in our shop?

Responsibility – we fulfill customer demands and send the order on agreed time.
Professionalism – our specialists know everything about flexible stone. They are ready to consult you at any time.
Reliability – being a producer, we are sure in our product quality.
Affordability  – lack of intermediaries provides an optimal price of our product.

If you want to get a great alternative for natural stone for the reasonable price, hurry to place an order on our Website!